
Celtic Soul Journey

Earlier this year I took a Celtic Soul Journey with Kate Berridge as my guide. It was an amazing and transformative experience. I have anxiety about how humans have treated the natural world and animals during my lifetime. During my journey I was in awe and gratitude to have many animals visiting and living in my soul garden and I could sense a peace and freedom for them that I have never been able to feel before. Once Kate has initially guided you into your safe and loving space you have a place within you that you can return to. On a more practical level when I become anxious about neglect, cruelty, hunting, illegal wildlife trade, killing animals for sport or profit, factory farming and the despoliation of nature for financial gain my soul journey vision rises up in me and instead of feeling weakened and depressed I have some inner strength.
The image shows Kate's Earth Mother Goddess that she has made from clay which is painted and adorned with dried plants and mosses.
For further details contact every persons journey will be unique.

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